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My Diary | Class 7, chapter 12 | All Activity Questions Answers | WBBSE Class 7 English Solutions

My Diary by  Anne Frank | Class 7 | Lesson 12 | Activity Questions Answers | WBBSE

Hello friends, how are you? Hope you are very well. Today we will discuss about your 7th class Twelve chapter My Diary. This Twelve chapter is very important for your exam so I will discuss the My Diary topics of Twelve chapter in detail. Through this article we are providing 7th class Twelve important questions and answers, this My Diary chapter suggestions, how to write answers from this chapter. 7th class My Diary will discuss everything how to read from chapter.

“My Diary” is a lesson from the Textbook of Class 7th and chapter 12 approved by West Bengal Board of Primary Education for the Students of Class 7 (Class Seven). Here all the Activity Questions are done by Our Institutes Experienced and Skillful English teachers.

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West Bengal Board Class 7 English Textbook All Lesson Solution by English Teacher Here on our website. West Bengal High School students of Class 7 can find here the solutions of  WBBSE (English) Textbook Chapter by Chapter, here you give all the chapters from Class 7 chapter 12.

My Diary | Class 7, chapter 12 | All Activity Questions Answers | WBBSE Class 7 English Solutions

My Diary Activity 1

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(a) Anne Frank’s birthday was on

(i) 14th the June

(ii) 12th June

(iii) 20th June

Ans:- (ii) 12th June


(b) Moortje is Anne’s

(i) pet dog

(ii) pet bird

(iii) pet cat

Ans:- (iii) pet cat


(c) During recess in the school Anne treated everyone with

(i) sweet biscuits

(ii) Chocolates

(iii) sweets

Ans:- (i) sweet biscuits

My Diary  Activity 2

Answer the following questions:

(a) What did Anne do when she could no control curiosity?


Anne went to the dining room, when she could no longer control curiosity.

(b) Which present did Anne did see first? Why does she refer to it  as ‘you’ ?


Anne saw her diary first. She referred it as ‘you’ because she thought it her friend.

(c) Who is the author of the  book “Tales and Legends of Netherlands” ?


Joseph cohen  is the auther of the book  “Tales and Legends of Netherlands.

(d) What did Anne want to do with money that she got as birthday gift?


Anne wanted to buy the myths of Greece and Rome with the money that she got as birth day gift.

My Diary  Activity 3

Arrange the following sentences in the proper sequence:

(a) Anne went to the dining room.

(b) Anne went to school with her friends.

(c) Anne went to the sitting room.

(d) Anne woke up.

(e) Anne went to her mummy and daddy.


(a) Anne woke up.

(b) Anne went to the dining room.

(c) Anne went to her mummy and daddy.

(d) Anne went to the sitting room.

(e) Anne went to school with her friends.



Arrange the following sentences in the proper sequence:


(a) Anne went to the dining room. 2

(b) Anne went to school with her friends. 5

(c) Anne went to the sitting room. 4

(d) Anne woke up. 1

(e) Anne went to her mummy and daddy. 3


My Diary Activity 4

Answer the following questions:

(a) When did Anne have her birthday party?

Ans: Anne had her birthday party on Sunday afternoon.

(b) What is “The LightHouse Keeper”?

Ans: “The Lighthouse Keeper” is a film.

(c) Who had been Anne’s best friend for years?

Ans: Lies Goosens and Sanne Houtman had been Anne’s best friends for years.

(d) Where did Anne meet her present best friend?

Ans: Anne met her present best friend at the Jewish Secondary School.

My Diary Activity 5

Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

(a) Anne has a sister who is

(i) thirteen years old

(ii) sixteen years old

(iii) fourteen years old

Ans:- (ii) sixteen years old

(b) Kitty is Anne’s

(i) friend

(ii) sister

(iii) diary

Ans:- (iii) diary

(c) The above text is a

(i) biography

(ii) diary

(iii) short story

Ans:- (i) biography

(d) Anne had to say goodbye to

(i) Mrs. K

(ii) Margot

(iii) her parents

Ans:- (i) Mrs. K

My Diary  Activity 6

Fill in the following chart with information from the text:


Events Timeline
Year What happened
1926 The author’s sister was born in 1926
1929 The author was born
1933 The author and her family emigrated to Holland
1938 The author’s two uncles escaped to the U.S.A.
1942 The author’s grandmother died

My Diary  Activity 7

Answer the following questions:

(a) What is the saying that came back to Anne on one of her melancholy days?

Ans: The saying is “paper is more patient than man”.

(b) Why does Anne consider her diary to be a dear friend?

Ans: Anne doesn’t want to set down a series of bald facts in a diary like most people do.

(c) Where was Anne’s father appointed when they emigrated to Holland?

Ans: Anne’s father was appointed Managing Director of Travies N.V.

(d) Why was Anne’s life filled with anxiety?

Ans: The family felt the full impact of Hitler’s anti-Jewish laws, so Anne’s life was filled with anxiety.

My Diary  Activity 8

Identify which of the following statements are True and which are False. Give a supporting statement for each of your answers:

(a) Anne thought that no one will be interested in the unbosomings of a thirteen-year-old school girl.  

Ans: False

Supporting Statement: Anne thought that no one will be interest in the unbosomings of a thirteen-year-old school girl.

(b) In her diary Anne wanted to bring out all kinds of things that lay buried deep in her heart.  

Ans: True

Supporting Statement: In her diary Anne wanted to bring out all kinds of things that lay buried deep in her heart.

(c) Anne seemed to lack everything.  

Ans: False

Supporting Statement: Anne was born lack everything.

(d) Anne was born in Holland.  

Ans: False

Supporting Statement: Anne was born in Holland.

(e) Anne was admitted in the fourth form in the Jewish Secondary School.  

Ans: False

Supporting Statement: Anne was admitted in the fourth from in the jewish Secondary School.

My Diary  Activity 9 (a)

Find the antonyms of the following words from the text. You will find the words in the paragraphs mentioned in the brackets:

(a) familiar: [ Para-1]

Ans: familiar :  odd

(b) imaginary: [ Para-2]

Ans: imaginary :  real

(c) inside: [ Para-3]

Ans: inside:  outside

(d) hate : [Para-6]

Ans: hate:  love

(e) happy: [ Para-7]

Ans: happy :  sad

(f) past: [Para-8]

Ans: past :  present

My Diary  Activity 9 (b)

Make sentences with the words that you have found in Activity 9(a).


(a) familiar:  I couldn’t see any familiar faces in the room.

(b) imaginary:  The story is set in an imaginary world.

(c) inside:  I left my key inside my room.

(d) hate:  I hate to see animals suffering.

(e) happy:  He is truly happy who makes others happy.

(f) past: Things past cannot be recalled.

My Diary Activity 10

Fill in the gaps with the words given below:

series, stubborn, control, recess, terrific


(a) We should try to control our anger.

(b) Maradona was a terrific footballer

(c) Rahul is a stubborn boy.

(d) We took our lunch during the recess.

(e) He drew a series of pictures.

My Diary  Activity 11

Make as many words as you can with the prefix '-un'. Make sentences of your own with these words.



Uncommon—This answer is very uncommon.

Unintelligent – The boy is unintelligent,

Unsuccess — He is unsuccess to complete the work.

Unduc-Do not take undue advantage.

Unpleasant—He is very unpleasant.

Unlock- Please unlock the door immediately.


My Diary  Activity 12(a)

Put an apostrophe ['] in appropriate places to make possessives :



(a) Ravi's father is a doctor.

(b) Nila wants Riya's pen.

(c) Tendulkar is India's  pride.

(d) Sunil's and Rahim's bicycles are new.

(e) Raju's brother lives in the boys' hostel.


My Diary  Activity 12(b)

Put an apostrophe [] in appropriate places to make contracted verb forms :


(a) I'm writing a letter now. 

(b) You're a good boy. 

(c) She's drawing a picture.

(d) He'd have done it.

 (e) They've gone to school.


My Diary  Activity 13 (a)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive pronouns given below:

ours, mine, theirs, yours, hers


(a) This picture is mine.

(b) I found Seema’s book but I couldn’t find yours.

(c) All the essays were good but ours was the best.

(d) Your photos are good. Hers are terrible.

(e) Rita and Mohan don’t like your drawing. Do you like theirs.

My Diary  Activity 13 (b)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate possessive adjectives given below:

[their, your, my, our, its]


(a) This is your book.

(b) I like my new pen.

(c) The dog is licking its paw.

d) We have sold our house.

(e) The students thanked their teacher.

My Diary Activity 14

Underline the participle adjectives in the following sentences. Be careful, all the sentences do not have participle adjectives.


(a) A barking dog seldom bites.

(b) The dog was barking loudly.

(c) Mathematics is an interesting subject.

(d) It was an amusing story.

(e) The teacher was instructing his students.

My Diary Activity 15

Punctuate the following passage


Anil went to Rahul's house yesterday morning. He asked "Rahul are you going to school today?" Rahul said, "No, I am going to Darjeeling. Its such a beautiful place," Anil said but, "Rahul the tests are starting from next week." Rahul answered "don't worry, I have prepared well for them". Anil came back home a little sad but he was happy for Rahul.

My Diary Activity 16

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets:


a.  I will see (see) you tomorrow.

b.  The students wrote (write) a summary.

C.  Ali has been reading (read) this book since morning.

d.  I had finished (finish) my work when Mukta came to see me.

e.  When I visited her, she was singing (sing).

f.  He told me that his mother had been (be) ill for six days.

g.  He will come (come) here tomorrow.

h.  I have been leaving (live) in Kolkata for five years.

i.  The train had left (leave) before they reached the station.

j.  The cold wind is blowing (blow) hard. 

My Diary  Activity 17

A biography is a detailed account of someone's life written by some other person. Now write a short biography of Raja Rammohan Roy using the following information :


কোনো ব্যক্তির জীবনী হল বিশদ বর্ণনা যা অন্য একজনের লেখা। নিম্নলিখিত তথ্যগুলি ব্যবহার করে রাজা রামমোহন রায়ের একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী লেখো :



 Raja Rammohan Roy. Date of birth: 22nd May 1772. Father and Mother:


Ramakanta Roy and Tarini Devi. Education:

Learnt Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit. Scholar in English, Latin, Greek, French, Tibetan. Countries visited : Tibet, England.

Achievements Champion of the Brahmo Samaj, abolished the cruel custom of Sati, wrote books on various subjects.


27th September 1833, buried in Bristol, England.


নাম :

রাজা রামমোহন রায়। জন্ম তারিখ : ২২ মে, ১৭৭২। পিতা-মাতা: রমাকান্ত রায় এবং তারিণী দেবী।

শিক্ষা :

আরবি, পারসি সংস্কৃত শিখেছেন। ইংরেজি, ল্যাটিন, গ্রিক, ফ্রে, তিব্বতি ভাষায় পণ্ডিত। যে দেশগুলিতে  গেছেন: তিব্বত, ইংল্যান্ডে। সালা: ব্রাহ্ম সমাজের সমর্থক, নিষ্ঠুর সতীদাহ প্রথা রদ। মৃত্যু : ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ১৮৩৩, ইংল্যান্ডের ব্রিস্টলে সমাধিস্য হয়েছিলেন।


Raja Rammohan Roy was born on 22 May in 1772. His father's name was Ramakanta Roy and his mother was Tarini Devi. He learnt various types of languages like Arabic, Persian, Sanskrit. He was scholar in English. He also learnt Latin, Greek, French and Tibetan. He visited Tibet and England. He was the Champion of the Brahmo Samaj. He abolished the cruel custom of Sati. He wrote books on various subjects. This great man was died on 27 September, 1833. He was buried in Bristol, England,

My Diary  Activity 18

Write a summary of the following prose passage :  — নীচের গদ্যাংশের সারসংক্ষেপ লেখো:

The story of "Androcles and the Lion" is very famous. Androcles had hid himself in a cage when he saw a lion coming towards him. He feared that the lion would eat him. But the lion was limping and it appeared to be in great pain. Androcles approached the lion with courage, took up the lion's paw and took out the large splinter of wood which had caused the flesh to rot. The lion

was soon relieved of pain and it was very grateful to Androcles. Afterwards, when Androcles was taken prisoner and sent to Rome to be delivered up to the wild beasts, a lion was let loose to eat him. It was the same lion that Androcles had relieved in his pain. The animal remembered with gratitude its savior and instead of eating him rubbed its head on the feet of Androcles.



The famous story of "Androcles and the Lion' narrates that Androcles, hidden in a cage, saw a lion limping towards him. Though afraid, Androcles approached the lion courageously. He took up the lion's paw and took out the splinter of wood from it. The lion was relieved of pain.

Afterwards Androcles as a prisoner in Rome was delivered up to a lion in cage. The lion recognized his savior and rubbed his head on Androcles' feet.

My Diary  Activity 19

Suppose you are celebrating your birthday next week. Now write a letter to your class teacher inviting him her to your birthday party. You may begin like this :

মনে করো তুমি তোমার জন্মদিন পালন করতে চলেছ আগামী সপ্তাহে। এখন তোমার শ্রেণিশিক্ষক/শিক্ষিকাকে একটি চিঠি লিখে তাঁকে তোমার জন্মদিনে নিমন্ত্রণ জানাও। তুমি এভাবে শুরু করতে পারোঃ



Dear Mrs. Bose,

I am celebrating my birthday on the 7th of October. It will be my 13th birthday. On this occasion my relatives, friends and close-related persons are coming to my house to join the birthday party.

  It is my parents and my own desire that you join us. So, please come to our house on that day and celebrate the party with us.    I hope  you will keep my request.


                         Your obediently

                           Kajal ghosh

                             Class VII


ভিয়ার মিসেস বোস,


আই হ্যাম সেলিব্রেটিং মাই বার্থডে অন দ্য সেভেনথ্ অফ অক্টোবর। ইট উইল বি মাই থারটিনথ্ বার্থডে। অন দিস অকেশন মাই রিলেটিভস, ফ্রেন্ডস্ অ্যান্ড ক্লোজ রিলেটেড পারসনস্ আর কামিং টু মাই হাউজ টু জয়েন দ্য বার্থডে পার্টি। ইট ইজ মাই পেরেন্টস অ্যান্ড মাই ওন ডিজায়ার দ্যাট ইউ জয়েন আস। সো, প্লিজ কাম টু আওয়ার হাউজ অন দ্যাট


ডে অ্যান্ড সেলিব্রেট দ্য পার্টি উইথ আস। আই হোপ, ইউ উইল কীপ মাই রিকোয়েস্ট।


          ইওরস ওবিডিয়েন্টলি

              কাজল ঘোষ

              ক্লাস সেভেন

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My Diary | West Bengal board Class 7 English solution | Model Activity tasks | question and answer 

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Navigating through WB Board Class 7 English Book Solutions, encompassing answers to questions from all chapters, is like having a trusted guide by your side through the English curriculum journey. These solutions simplify learning, breaking down complex concepts into easily understandable bits. From grammar rules to comprehension exercises, every aspect of the textbook is covered, ensuring students grasp each topic thoroughly. With a focus on clarity and accessibility, these solutions become invaluable resources for students aiming for academic excellence. By offering comprehensive question-answer sets for every chapter, students not only improve their understanding but also enhance their problem-solving skills. Dive into WB Board Class 7 English Book Solutions to embark on a seamless learning experience that fosters both confidence and proficiency in the English language.

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WBBSE English lesson 12 Class 7 My Diary activity

"Explore the captivating world of English literature with Lesson 12 of Class 7, titled 'My Diary.' This engaging chapter immerses students in a tale filled with intrigue and excitement, inviting them to unravel the mysteries hidden within its pages. Through interactive activities and thought-provoking discussions, learners embark on a journey of discovery, delving into themes of perseverance, curiosity, and the power of observation. With a focus on enhancing language skills and fostering a love for storytelling, this chapter offers a dynamic learning experience for students. Dive into 'My Diary' to ignite your imagination and uncover the magic of language."

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